Year 11 Presentation Event

The class of 2015 from St Clement's High school were reunited last Thursday at the Terrington St Clement's village church to celebrate their success and receive their GCSE certificates.
The students were joined by Charles Dennett from KLFM who presented the GCSE certificates and prizes. Mr Wood the Assistant Headteacher responsible for the year group said "It was great to see so many students coming back to celebrate their success, this year group achieved the best results in the School's History and the local area so we are very proud of them, many of them have tonight offered to come back to the school and help support the current year 11 with preparation for their exams"
The Headteacher Mr Willingham added " We are grateful to Reverend Slipper for allowing us to hold this event in the church for the second year running, it is a beautiful setting for this celebration. We are also very grateful to all those people who sponsor prizes every year, the students really appreciate the public recognition for their achievements."