Our Governing Body
Chair of Governors:
Mr M Wood
Clerk to the Governors:
Miss N Gay
Mr K Baldwin
Mr P Bennell
Mrs A Codrington
Mrs J Borley
Mr N Pack
Mr N Willingham
Mr R Hines
Mr M Foster
Contact Details
The Clerk to the Governors: Miss Nicki Gay
To contact the governing body, please address any correspondence to:
FAO: Miss N Gay
The Clerk of Governors
St Clement's High School
Churchgate Way,
Terrington St Clement
King's Lynn
PE34 4LZ
Tel: 01553 828648
Governor Documentation
Governor Overview of Membership - Including Responsibilities, Relevant Interests and Attendance:
Governor Overview 2023/2024
Governor Overview 2022/2023
Governor Overview 2021/2022
Governor Overview 2020/2021
Governor Overview 2019/2020
Governor Overview 2018/2019
Declaration of Business Interest - Including links and business interest within the school and trust.
Governor Declaration of Interest 2021/2022 - included in Governor Overview Form
Governor Declaration of Interest 2020-2021
Governor Declarations of Interest 2019-2020
Governor Roles and Responsibilities - Areas of responsibility within the governing body
Governor Link Roles 2022/2023
Governor Link Roles 2021/2022
Governor Link Roles 2020-2021
Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2019-2020
Become a Governor
Information on becoming a Governor at this school, or any other school within West Norfolk Academies Trust can be found in the Become a Governor at WNAT leaflet.
To register your interest in this school, or any of the other schools within the trust, please fill in the 'Become a Governor' form here.
WNAT Trustees
Responsibility for all the academies that make up West Norfolk Academies Trust and for providing education in those academies is entrusted to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees have overall accountability for all the schools within the trust and manage all finances (including audits), premises and personnel areas, via subcommittees. Work is also delegated to our local governing body, whose assistance is greatly valued and supported by the Trustees.
For further information on our Board of Trustees, visit the West Norfolk Academies Trust website, Governance Page.