COVID-19 - Updates on School Closure Measures as at 20.03.2020

As you will now be aware St Clement’s High School will be closed from 3pm on Friday 20th March for most students until further notice.
As you will now be aware St Clement’s High School will be closed from 3pm on Friday 20th March for most students until further notice.
Safeguarding Contact Information During School Closure
During the school closure, due to COVID-19, if you have a safeguarding concern about a child at St Clements High School please email:
Children of Key Workers/Vulnerable Children
From Monday 23rd March we will be open only for children of key workers and those children who are most vulnerable, such as those with Educational Health Care Plans. A list defining key workers can be found at
If you are a parent/carer of a vulnerable child or you are a key worker, and you have no alternative other than to send your child to school please follow the link below to register your child with us from Monday. It is important to remember that as from 3pm today St Clement’s High School is closed to the general school population as stated by the government to help reduce the spread of Covid-19. Normal school lessons will not be run. School transport will continue to be available from Monday. The only entrance open will be the main school gate at the side of the village hall. Students must attend in full school uniform. The link to register your child to continue to attend school from 23rd March is:
Key Worker Families must complete the registration before 9:00am Sunday 22nd March
Even if you responded to our text message last night you must still complete this form
Free School Meals
If your child is in receipt of free school meals and will not be attending school from Monday 23rd March, Tesco will issue you a voucher on a weekly basis to the email address the school has for your child’s main contact.
Home learning
Work for home learning will be issued via Show My Homework. SMHW also gives the option to ask questions to your child’s teacher about the work being set, to which they can respond. A dedicated part of the website will be set up during the next week specific to each year group containing further information. For students intending to attend Springwood High School 6th form in September they will post a number of “Summer Tasks” and work for each of the sixth form subjects on their website during the next term. It is important that year 11 students continue to work during the forthcoming months and complete this work.
Contact with the school
As from Monday please only use the main switchboard number 01553 828648, should you wish to contact the school, or email
We understand that this is a worrying time for families and will do everything we can to support you.